Never Be Ashamed to Seek Help

Human beings are incredibly complex creatures. We lead busy lives where we’re expected to be social, professional, and competent all the time. That is a lot for anyone to handle, and the truth is that we all have moments where it’s just too much. Unfortunately, there are real medical factors that can exacerbate those stressors. […]     Read More >>

Supporting Someone with Bipolar Disorder

It isn’t easy being close to someone dealing with a mental illness. The highs and lows can be difficult to manage, putting a serious strain on your relationship and your own mental health. Therefore, it is vitally important that you monitor your mental health and take steps to protect yourself where necessary. As long as […]     Read More >>

The Link between Sleep Disorders and Mental Illness

We are currently living through one of the most challenging years in recent world history. The combination of economic distress, isolation, and the widespread loss of human life has naturally resulted in increased rates of mental illness across the board. However, it would be disingenuous to suggest that this trend is new. The truth is […]     Read More >>

Am I Socially Anxious or Introverted?

Many people ask themselves: am I socially anxious or introverted? Everyone experiences moments when they don’t want to interact with large groups of people. You just need time to wind down and recharge. However, if you find that you tend to prefer spending your time alone or in small groups, you’ve probably fielded more than […]     Read More >>

Treating Insomnia without Medication

There is nothing quite like waking up refreshed after a good night’s rest. Unfortunately, about 35% of Americans regularly miss out on that opportunity. Through a combination of living in a high-stress society and practicing poor sleep hygiene, millions of Americans lay awake in bed every night hoping sleep will come to them. But treating […]     Read More >>

What Risk Factors Contribute to Panic Disorders?

A panic disorder is characterized by “repeated, unexpected panic attacks” over a period of time. These patients may find themselves apprehensive of another attack. Panic disorders are often connected to traumatic experiences or sudden change. So patients likely to avoid the experiences that tend to trigger their panic attacks. But what risk factors contribute to […]     Read More >>

Can Isolation Cause Social Anxiety?

Social isolation has never been as prevalent as it is today. Staying at home is a joy for many, but it might not be the best for your mental health. We take a look at if isolation can cause social anxiety. At Cognitive Behavior Associates, we provide services for the best cognitive behavioral therapy Los […]     Read More >>

Self-Care and Quarantine During COVID-19

Long before the pandemic, medical professionals had already realized a disturbing trend in mental health cases. In many communities across this nation, Americans are working longer hours. And increasing wages are failing to keep up with more rapidly increasing inflation. The internet allows us to build global communities, but many are still alone when they […]     Read More >>

The Reasons People Avoid Mental Health Treatment

Nearly half of the United States’ population will experience a mental illness at some point in their lifetime. Despite the stigma, struggling with a mental illness is a normal part of existence, especially for urban populations where the percentage of cases is substantially higher. Perceptions of mental illness have drastically changed, allowing people to access […]     Read More >>

What are the Physical Symptoms of an Anxiety Disorder?

Anxiety disorders represent the most common mental illnesses present in the United States today. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, roughly 40 million adults over the age of 18 are affected every year. That is 18% of the national population! As many as 25% of American adults having an anxiety disorder at […]     Read More >>